Monday, November 23, 2009

food from me

i really cook today. its not that easy because i try so hard to make it taste like mom's. bila mak balik aku srh mak rs n tmbh la mn yg ptt tp dia kt x de bnda nk ubah. it is perfect, ha3.. first time msk tnpa pki perncah peket. smpai kn housemate aku pnh kata, ' igt milin nk msk klu x de perencah dia 2?'..funny yet so true. n btw, my carrot cake is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good w'pun x ckp ingredient n aku blsh je ngn bnda lain.

things that i hentam;
in menu;

corn oil/butter ( 1 1/2 cup)
baking soda@bs

but i put;

minyak masak+ tepung jagung ckit (1 1/2 cup)
bs trus x isi

nsb baik cake 2 jd gak

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